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The Birthing Process

We have all heard the term of the birthing process. We take that thought and think of the physical realm but do you know that there is also a birthing process in the spiritual realm? See God has placed something in each one of us to be used in the kingdom. Some of us find it early in life, others later in life and then there are those who don’t ever use their God given talents for his kingdom. Our gifts are always there and can be used for God or for the world. Stop and think about the areas you excel in and what you are doing with that. See God has given us all something and sometimes he tells us things and we think, oh, I don’t know how I am going to do that or we think we can’t do that. Well we can. God births a dream, a plan, a vision in us and will help us to get to the point of doing it, if we follow him. Like a pregnant lady she has to go through the 9 months of pregnancy for the baby to grow. During that time she eats well, exercises, takes care of herself and gets ready for the baby. The anticipation grows as the due date comes closer. That’s how it is with us and the dreams, visions, and plans God has for our life. So why is it that we try to make things happen sooner or don’t do the things that God has asked us to do? Would a pregnant mother want to take the baby out a month after conception because she was so excited and couldn’t wait? Would she be too scared and just let the baby stay in there a year or years after conception? The answer to both of these is no! Both scenarios would be catastrophic and bring health complication along with death. A baby wouldn’t be able to survive being born a month after conception due to its organs and lungs not being developed. Just the way a mom wouldn’t be able to leave the baby in her a year or years after conception because the baby would get too big and those complications could affect the baby and the mother. Now let’s think about this in the spiritual realm. God speaks to many of us and we get visions or dreams of what we will do for God in his kingdom. All of it is different for each individual some may get a vision that they are to be Pastors, others worship leaders, writers, missionaries, singers, actors and so on. Now when God gives us that it’s because he is showing us what he wants to do with us if we keep following him and listening to his direction. But just the way a mother has to prepare for her child and take care of it while it is in her womb so should we when God gives us those visions and dreams. We can’t just dream it and the next day try to live it out. It will take preparation and hearing and seeking from God to get to the place we need to be. During the preparation we need to fast and pray and seek God’s face. We need to be still and listen to his still small voice. This time is essential because God is working in us and preparing us to birth the dream or vision he has shown us. We work on the things God shows us and get our hearts and minds right with him. Many people want to skip this process or make it shorter than what it needs to be and we can’t do that. It is detrimental to our process. We need to stay pure to God and do all he asks us to do. You wouldn’t drink or do drugs while you were pregnant and risk losing your child, would you? The same is to be done  with what God has given us. It’s so easy for us to think about someone doing that in the natural realm and think we wouldn’t do that. So why don’t we start thinking about things like that in the spiritual realm? As God prunes us and gets us ready in the process then we can go to the delivering phase. Now when a mom has a baby and goes through delivery it usually is painful but the end result is wonderful. If you ask any mom she will tell you she would go through all the pain and whatever came with delivering her child again just to have them. When it is time for Gods dream, vision, plan to birth it will cause us to work and it might be painful. We might have to go through things and trials before it is birthed. But at the end when you are there doing what God has shown you it’s all worth it.  The preparation, the tears, the hard work, the trials will all pale in comparison to you doing what God has called you to do. Everything that happened will be a culmination to get you to the point you need to be at. It takes us giving ourselves wholly and letting God do the work he needs to do in us. It also takes us listening to the Holy Spirit and letting God guide us and getting rid of the sins or addictions we have. The whole process might have you getting rid of things or people you don’t want to get rid of. It will have you letting God examine you and showing you things you might not want to admit or confront. But the end result is something beautiful and sacred that the Lord has entrusted you with. So let’s get to the point of where we see the way that all our words, thoughts, actions, the way we live life affect us in the spiritual realm. So next time you want to skip the process of letting God prune you and work in you or not have the pains of birthing his dream in you remember that just how it is in the physical it is also in the spiritual.

Below are some scriptures that you can mediate on and hold onto while in whatever step of the process you are in.

Until next time my friends I pray God opens your eyes and ears and that your heart be in position to hear and receive all he has for you!!!

God bless,

The Christian Blogger

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